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Get Your Whimsy On! 50 Ways to Intentionally Play

accountability childhood developmental trauma fred rogers healing inner child insecure attachments intentionality play secure attachment waiting for mister rogers Jan 05, 2024
woman blowing a bubble


As we journey through life, we often carry with us the scars of our past, some of which are born out of the pains and traumas of childhood.

Developmental trauma, a term that refers to the intentional distress experienced during one's early years, can deeply affect us, shaping our behaviors, beliefs, and relationships. It's a profound loss of innocence that can leave long-lasting effects. But what if there was a way to heal and reconnect with that lost part of ourselves?


The Power of Play



In my own journey of healing and self-discovery, I've found that one of the most powerful tools in our arsenal is something we often overlook – play. Play isn't just for children; it can be a transformative force for adults, especially those who have experienced developmental trauma.


When was the last time you truly allowed yourself to play, to let go of your worries and immerse yourself in the joy of the moment? If you're anything like me, it's probably been a while. But I want to invite you on a journey of intentional play – a journey that can help you reconnect with your inner child and nurture your soul.



Intentional Play Guide: 50 Ways to Bring Playfulness Back into Your Life

So, how can we bring this sense of play back into our lives? I've created an Intentional Play Guide, a collection of 50 ways to reconnect with your joy and nurture your inner child.


Some of these may seem simple, like having a dance party in your living room or making time for a creative hobby you've neglected. Others might challenge you to step outside your comfort zone, like joining a local sports team or trying out a new activity you've never considered before.


But all of them have one thing in common: they're meant to help you rediscover the joy of play and the healing it can bring.



The Journey Begins with You



Embarking on this journey of intentional play isn't always easy. It can be scary to delve into parts of ourselves that we've long kept hidden, and making time for play in our busy lives can be challenging.


But the journey is worth it. Just as a wounded child needs care and attention to heal, the wounded parts of ourselves also need that same care.


Allow yourself the space to explore, to play, to heal. Be gentle with yourself as you take these steps. And remember, you're not alone. There are many of us on this journey, and together, we can support each other as we reclaim our joy and nurture our inner children.



Embrace Play, Embrace Healing



The effects of developmental trauma can be long-lasting, but they don't have to define us. Through intentional play, we can start healing our wounds and reconnect with the parts of ourselves we've lost along the way.


So, I invite you to explore the Intentional Play Guide, to try out these 50 ways to play, and to embrace the healing power of joy. It's a journey that can lead to profound healing and growth.


Remember, play isn't just for children. It's a crucial part of our adult lives, a space to let go, express ourselves, and find joy again. So, let's start playing. Our inner children are waiting.


Would you like to join me on this journey?

Download the Intentional Play Guide.





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