"I am ready to play. It is time to play with a purpose."


How Does Play Influence Healing from Developmental Trauma?


For those who have experienced developmental traumas and insecure attachments, the ability to play may have been stunted.

As children, we may have shouldered adult responsibilities and emotions or walked on eggshells in an abusive environment. This can lead to a disconnection from our inner child and a lack of playfulness.

 At Simple & Deep (TM), we believe embracing our inner child through play is crucial for healing and creating an integrated self.


How can we create a safe space for self-love and playfulness?


Our Intentional Play Guide provides a safe and nurturing space for women to reconnect with their inner child and embrace self-love. Our unique approach combines playfulness and peace to help heal from developmental traumas and insecure attachments.

Through play, we can tap into our creativity, curiosity, and joy, allowing us to embrace our authentic selves fully.

Simple & Deep (TM) Intentional Play Guide supports your healing journey through play. We create a safe environment, addressing root causes of trauma. Our gentle approach releases negativity and promotes a playful and peaceful way of being.

Thanks for connecting!


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