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25 Ways to Achieve Balance in Your Life

achieving balance intentionality strategies for success stress busters Aug 25, 2023
woman's hands together


Life has a way of getting off-kilter sometimes.

Maybe you find yourself working too hard or spending all your spare moments on home projects without having much contact with friends or loved ones.

When you notice your life is becoming off-balanced – with too much of one thing or not enough of another – put these strategies to work so you can regain your footing.

  1. Take part in physical activity each day. Exercising your body helps you discharge stress and reflect on the current status of your life.
  2. Establish daily limits for how much you'll work. For example, maybe you could try to set a limit to not working overtime for more than thirty minutes on any given workday. This will discourage you from letting your work take over your life.
  3. Foster emotional connections with your partner. Maintaining close ties with your romantic partner will assist you in rounding out your life. You’ll develop an increased understanding of your priorities.
  4. Learn to be comfortable with saying no. Accept that you’re unable to please everyone 100% of the time. This provides you with the freedom to do what you enjoy the most.
  5. Join a club or group. Mingling with others who have shared interests brings a sense of excitement and wonder into your life. You can counter-balance time spent alone or working too much by joining a social group.
  6. Find at least one cause you believe in. Invest your energies into something that holds great importance to you and taps into the kind, caring, and active sides of your personality.
  7. Allow yourself a few hours of alone time each week. Time alone to ponder how your life is going or to partake in your favorite activity helps keep you centered.
  8. Read books. There’s still nothing greater than curling up on the couch or outside under a tree to read a book. Reading can be educational, entertaining, and relaxing.
  9. Listen to music you enjoy each day. You’ll feel a little bit of joy when you listen to your favorite tunes. Infusing some simple happiness, like a favorite song, into your day will counteract any negativity that’s trying to make its way in.
  10. Take lessons in something you'd like to learn. As you age, it’s imperative to continue learning new things.
  11. Choose a skill or talent and excel at it. A healthy self-esteem is necessary if you want to keep your life in sync. You’ll feel good when you cultivate something you’re really great at.
  12. Ensure you have a handful of close friends. They’ll give you honest feedback and be there when you need them. Friends keep you grounded!
  13. Plan regular date nights with your partner. Do whatever is necessary to protect and preserve the love you share.
  14. Acknowledge what you're grateful for each day. Take a few minutes each day to reflect on everything you’ve been blessed with. Recognizing the goodness in your life will keep you in touch with your incredible riches.
  15. Pray or meditate to find peace and calm in the morning. Maintain balance by creating your own sense of tranquility as each day begins.
  16. Help someone who needs it. Be willing to help someone requiring assistance, whether you know them or not.
  17. Ask for advice or help when you need it. Although it can be tough to reach out, when you do, you’ll feel the love and care that others have for you.
  18. Step out of your comfort zone. Your partner blindsides you and suggests taking a ballroom dancing class. You’re terrified at the thought. But go for it! You can reach into another realm of your psyche and explore something outside your comfort zone. You might surprise yourself.
  19. Keep a journal of your feelings. Get in touch with your own feelings, so you can live a life of equilibrium. The journal will help you learn to understand and better manage your feelings.
  20. Compliment a coworker. When you compliment someone on their work, you’re consistently reminded that others are striving to create their best life, just like you. Strive to give compliments on a daily basis.
  21. Explore a topic you're interested in. You’ll stay excited about life.
  22. Call and visit your parents regularly. It’s comforting to be with and talk to those who’ve known you all of your life.
  23. Write your own work goals and then achieve them. The goals that you design are a lot more important to you than those that others create for you.
  24. Get enough rest and sleep so you can have the best days possible. When you sleep well, you wake up energized and refreshed to deal with whatever the day brings. You want to have the reserves to live life to the fullest.
  25. Realize that slow and steady wins the race. Being ahead of everyone else in all aspects of your life is unnecessary. But it might be helpful to keep plugging away until you accomplish something you’re working for personally.

Keeping equilibrium in your life ensures you’ll enjoy variety, interest, and fulfillment. Apply these strategies today. Create a balance between your work, social life, romantic relationship, and personal time, starting now.

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